Integrity Inventory

Lord who may abide in your tabernacle? Who mat dwell in your holy hill? He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart; He who does not backbite with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor, nor does he take up reproach against his friend.

Psalms 15:1-3

INTEG'RITY, noun [Latin integritas, from integer.]

1. Wholeness; entireness; unbroken state. "Simplicity," "soundness," "completeness," rendered also "upright," sincerity of heart and intention, truthfulness,

In the above sense of simplicity of intention, it is equivalent to being honest, sincere, genuine, and is fundamental to true character.

2. The entire, unimpaired state of anything, particularly of the mind; moral soundness or purity; incorruptness; uprightness; honesty. Integrity comprehends the whole moral character but has a special reference to uprightness in mutual dealings, transfers of property, and agencies for others.

3. Purity; genuine, unadulterated, unimpaired state; as the integrity of language.

Let me add that often we judge others by the actions and ourselves by our intent. I.e., “I meant to do that even though I did not.”

How do we measure up? The question is how do I measure up if I were to be measured against God’s Inventory of integrity? What God expects from each of us to be as the one who He created. We are created in His image so we have a standard by which we can be measured. No, we are not God we are His workmanship and God made us to be a people of integrity in all affairs of life. Below is lists attributes of integrity. See how you measure up. Even if you fall short, be of good cheer, surrender to the Lord and He will transform you into a person of integrity.

  1. Walks uprightly

  2. Works Righteousness

  3. Speaks the truth

  4. Does not backbite

  5. Does no evil to a neighbor

  6. Does not take up reproach against his friend

  7. Honors those who fear the Lord

  8. Keeps his word even when it’s costly

  9. Does not practice usury

  10. Does not take bribes

Steps to developing Integrity.

Identify aspects of your behavior that require change. Reflect on your interactions with others in the workplace, at home and in social situations to determine specific areas in need of improvement. For example, if you are late for work every day and feel guilty about creating excuses for this behavior, this may be an opportunity to develop greater personal integrity.

Determine your reasons for not behaving with greater personal integrity. For example, you may be pushing unpleasant work tasks on to other employees instead of being honest with your boss about your inability to do the tasks. You may be afraid to admit to yourself or to your boss that you do not possess the right skills or that the job is not the right fit for you.

Face the obstacles that weaken you to excuse yourself, lie or violate your moral code. Get involved in finding a more suitable use of your talents, facing your fears about how others may perceive you and/or seeking knowledge or counseling to address personal challenges and insecurities.

Build relationships at home and work through greater truthfulness, being candid. For example, if managing a team of employees, be honest and direct with everyone about your expectations and employee performance. Avoid backbiting or gossiping.

  • Refrain from causing unnecessary harm. Part of developing personal integrity is gauging when and how to deliver the truth. Be careful not to confuse truthfulness with anger-driven and brutally honest confrontation.

Make a list of tasks and behaviors in which you will become more trustworthy. The list might range from basic tasks, such as remembering to take out the trash as promised, to repaying large or small sums of money in a timely manner.

Respect the property of others. Consider any complaints you may have had or have received about using another person's belongings, parking in someone else's parking spot, or littering on another person's property. Make a concerted effort to respect other people's belongings.

Listen to and respect the opinions and decisions of others. Part of possessing personal integrity is protecting the human rights of others. Respecting diverse thoughts and decisions is a sign of open-mindedness and integrity.

Do more than you expect others to do. If you can contribute to the development of others or help them, to do something they cannot reasonably accomplish on their own, try to assist them.

Expect a trial-and-error process that requires persistent effort. Assess your progress, as success and integrity are not destinations, but making some progress: going forward. Expect yourself to learn and strive daily toward your goals, always making progress.

Enlist the help of others, as mentors. The smiles and advice of colleagues, relatives, and good friends, who know you well and have your best interest at heart, can assist your progress by providing objective feedback daily about the personal changes you are making.

Develop your accountability. Learn to admit when you've made a mistake and apologize for it. If you were at least partly to blame for a bad situation, own up to your part in it instead of blaming others. If you admit that you've done something wrong, it's easier to be more honest and to avoid the same mistake in the future.

Grow to be more interdependent. Interdependent on God in all areas. A simple way is the saying, WWJD, what would Jesus do? Think first! Do Second. We are human beings, not human doings.

Questions to ponder

  1. Are you out to honor the Lord or yourself?

  2. What is the result of your work?

  3. Are you in the habit of telling little white lies?

  4. Do you tear down others in front of or behind a person back?

  5. Do you live by the golden rule?

  6. Are you loyal and play fair in a disagreement?

  7. What is the character of your friends and what is their attitude towards God?

  8. Are you trustworthy and reliable?

  9. Do you make it hard or easy for people to share their thoughts with you?

  10. What would it take for you to compromise your integrity, have you ever?

Score yourself honestly…for me I have fallen short, what was, is no longer, but will soon be again. 

Thoughts for the day!

When we are a mess God takes His time, He ages us and when you put it all together, He makes a message. Will you let Him make you into something that is pleasing in His sight? Today I will. If you have the desire then pray this prayer.

Prayer for the day; Lord, whatever it is that you need to do in me I give you access to take this broken vessel and make it into what pleases you. I chose at this moment to surrender my will, my heart, and my pride to you. Perform a miracle in me for your pleasure. In Christ’s name AMEN

Always remember, He makes it happen, you make it count!



Keeping the End in Sight


Governed by God