Are You Listening?

A pair of white earbuds lying on a flat yellow surface, one facing down and the other on its side

12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire, and after the fire a still small voice.  13 So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

– 1 Kings 19:12-13

It was once asked of Joan of Arc, “why are you the only one God speaks to”? Joan replied, “I am not the only one God speaks to. You are wrong, God speaks to everyone. I just listen.”

God speaks to everyone. Are you listening and are you hearing what He is saying? When God spoke to Samuel, Samuel did not recognize that the voice was the voice of God. We need wisdom to hear. We need others to teach us, mentor us so that we can clearly hear the voice of the Lord and heed what He is telling us. Samuel had Eli as a mentor. It is very clear that Samuel discerned the voice of the Lord through the mentorship of Eli. Eli’s mentorship of Samuel, opened Samuel up to hear the voice of the Lord. Mentors encourage us to hear what the Lord is saying. It opens us up to the possibilities of what can be!

What you see in the natural has spiritual implications. Have you ever seen a person in the natural that you know they are either angry, sad, broken, had their mind in another place or their body language showed something to you? The things you see in the natural, you should give to God so that He can give you the information that needs to be shared with another person. That often is a word of knowledge or prophecy that you are given to warn, exhort, or encourage that person which you observed.

Questions to ask

  1. Do you know God’s voice?

  2. Do you hear what the Lord is telling you?

  3. Do you heed His voice and follow Him?

  4. What other voices do you hear? I.e. friends, co-workers, people at your church.

Thoughts for the day!

We live in a very busy society and we are busy. We can easily get caught up in the rigors and activities that fill our day. It is imperative that we set aside the time necessary to hear His voice. “Be still and know that I am God.” Great words of wisdom to follow. Do you set time aside? Pray that God will grant you ears to hear. And there are times when you observe you need to stop and take what you observe to the Lord and He will give you answers you would have never thought of. He is all knowing.

Always remember, He makes it happen, you make it count!



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