A Standard of Excellence

A bunch of red and gold stars spread across a flat surface

Those who have served will gain an excellent standing.

– 1 Timothy 3:13

What does the word excellent mean to you? Barely adequate is how some would describe it or actually live it. The root of the word means complete. Today we live in a very selfish society and so often we even as Christians get into the, “It’s all about me” mentality. We have heard it said that we aren’t here to compete so much as we are here to complete each other. Competency is key to setting the standard of excellence. There are many things that people who strive after excellence have in common.

Questions to ask

  1. Do you view excellence as barely adequate?

  2. Do you set a great example to others?

  3. Do you compete or complete the people around you?

  4. What does excellence mean to you?

Thought for the day!

Here is what I call the common strings in competency in excellence.

  1. Commitment

  2. Never mediocre

  3. Detail conscience

  4. Consistent

  5. Humble

Another one for the memory bank…JOY

J= Jesus first

O= Others second

Y= Yourself third

Always remember, He makes it happen, you make it count!



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A Matter of Principle