Lean On Me

The sun shining over a field of flowers

Your loving kindness, O Lord extends to the heavens,
Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.

– Psalm 36:5

As the world we live in continues to evolve we become more dependent on our own answers to life’s questions, circumstances, and problems. It has been said that best person for the job is “me”. When we have questions, we look for the easy way to deal with them. We buy self-help books, or we seek counsel, however we seem to counsel down. You know we get advice from people who really give us opinion rather than absolute truth. Friends seem to whitewash the truth.

When it comes to renewing, encouraging, providing direction, uplifting and motivation should we not go to the source? We look for organic food because it is much healthier. We choose between which bottled water is the best. Not to mention we have body alterations through surgery because often it is easier than investing time in the gym,

Questions to ponder

  1. Who is the source of all good things?

  2. Who can you go to when times are tough?

  3. Do you seem to take the easy way out when faced with challenges?

  4. Who is your confidant?

Thought for the day!

Life is full of challenges and struggles. Life is also full of joy and triumphs. Take time each day to take the struggles and challenges to the one who has all the answers. Take the time to thank the one who brought the joy and triumphs. Why not try to set a regular appointment with the one who created heaven and earth. Who knows the scale in your life may tip in favor of more joy and more triumphs. Hey what do you have to lose…except maybe _________ you fill in the blank!

Always remember, He, makes it happen, you make it count!



Life Verses


Keeping the End in Sight