The Choice Is Yours

A sign pointing to two paths in opposite directions

I you don’t want to serve the Lord; you must choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.

– Joshua 24:15

Life is all about choices. What you will wear today, what you will eat, whom you will marry, and what job you will work. Simple, isn’t it? It really is, especially in the things that are temporal. Yes, I know, those choices are easy, but we put so much into them. We make those types of choices a matter of life or death for ourselves.

The passage of scripture in Joshua is clear and it is non-negotiable. We can change our shoes to match the outfit, but we cannot make a better choice when it comes to eternity.

Isn’t it wonderful? Wouldn’t it be nice if every choice was easy? Think about it, the offer is clear, and the choice is as well. There are many things in life we can’t choose. 1) The color of our eyes. Yes, I know they now have color contact lenses, but that’s not natural and God doesn’t make mistakes. 2) The type of nose we are born with, although people have what is called a “Nose Job”. 3) Our height, however, people wear heels, or they put lifts in their shoes. Yet all these things we change when we aren’t happy. We can make superficial changes however they are only temporary changes and sometimes we change things so often that we think they are permanent. They are not.

Questions to ponder

  1. Is it easy for you to make choices?

  2. Do you make it more difficult than it is?

  3. Are temporal or permanent changes more difficult for you?

  4. What changes would you make if you could change things?

  5. What things frustrate you? Work, home, play, people?

Thoughts for the day!

We get to choose where we spend eternity. It is the most crucial choice we will ever make, and we make that choice ourselves. Nobody makes it for us. We don’t like it when others decide what we will eat, what we will wear or what we will do. The most important choice you will make is the one you make now that determines where you are for eternity. One way or the other you are the captain of your choices. Invest the time in choosing the only choice that really matters.

Choose this day where you will spend eternity and then think and act upon that choice. Reality is that we make choices everyday.

Always remember, He makes it happen, you make it count!


A Communication Key


A Promise for Our Good