A Communication Key

A group of notecards arranged to show a speech bubble in the center

In today’s world we have many ways to communicate. Email, text, and a variety of social media apps and then there is an old-fashioned way by mail, also known as snail mail.

So often we use these type of communication outlets to convey a message or use it as a way to solicit feedback or even to get people to respond to requests or dare I say it is used to say something because we are too cowardly to communicate over the phone or face to face.

It has been said that communication is the key to all successes. Communication at its simplest level is one transmits, the other receives, then the receiver now responds or transmits to the original transmitter who now receives. It goes full circle. Effective communication always solicits feedback. Always!

How do you communicate with our Creator, our Father, God? It is a legitimate question. Through email, social media, a text message, no through prayer, talking with God.

I would say that the best form of communication is verbal and whether that is face to face or over the phone. It is the best form of communication.

As a leader I have used outlets to reach out for physical help and what I have found for the most part is I receive responses from 5% to 10% of those I have reached out to. While it has been said that 20% of people do most of all the work, I see that the 5% to 10% I mentioned is less than the normal 20%. That should remind me that verbal communication should be used to further my request for help.

Verbal communication allows us to reach outside the 20% to the 80%. This allows for the 80% to get involved, to use their God-given gift, to be reached out to because just maybe they are waiting for us to ask. I could go on and on, but you get the point. You want to build relationships, build face to face wherever possible.

As believers we should constantly examine our communication. We should consider the tone of newer forms of communication such as email and text messaging. We should never allow the safety of a computer screen or a cell phone screen to lead us to use this as the best way to communicate our words, requests, or questions toward others.

The art of Christian communication covers many aspects of the relationship between born-again believers and our relationships with the world at large. There are in the New Testament what are called the "one another commands." These commands, when followed, are a source of correct Christian communication.

The commands could be looked at as God’s code of conduct for Christian relationships. However, we do not naturally do the things that are commanded in the "one another’s." Christian communication is a skill we must choose to learn by submitting to the Word of God and by applying it to our lives. Then we will become better communicators.

Questions to ponder

  1. What mode of communication is your favorite?

  2. How effective is it?

  3. How comfortable are you using verbal communication more?

Thoughts for the day!

If verbal communication is the best form of communication, be purposeful and use it more

Remember, He makes it happen, you make it count.

Continued blessings


A Fitting Word


The Choice Is Yours