A Fitting Word

A person staring at a stormy sky; there is a lighter calm sky in the distance

Anxiety in a man’s heart causes depression, but a good word makes it glad

– Proverbs 12:25

Be anxious for nothing, but in prayer we are to take to God the things that make us anxious. These are easy words to say, but much harder to live by. During the time that anxiety rises within us we need to stop for a moment and reflect on the very things Christ tells us to do. What are those things we are told to reflect on? God’s goodness, His faithfulness, and His trustworthiness. Yes, these are some of the things to trust in, but there is more. Look at it this way when you are wounded you must still be diagnosed and bandaged. If we move around it is much more difficult for the Doctor to do his or her work on us. God wants us to be still so He can calm us down and do the work He knows He needs to do for the anxiety to cease within us.

Questions to ponder

  1. When you are anxious how do you react?

  2. Is being still easy or difficult for you?

  3. Have you ever tried to calm down someone who was anxious?

  4. Was that easy of difficult for you?

  5. How did you deal with it?

Thoughts for the day!

When times come and your anxiety level rises, try God! Stop and completely focus on the Lord. Cry out to Him and speak against the things that are causing you to be anxious. Then be still and the Lord will calm you. If the anxiety doesn’t cease, it is because you have resisted what the Lord is trying to do in you. When we don’t completely focus, we leave a crack in the door where Satan comes in and tries to stop what the Lord is trying to do. You must Focus!

Always remember He makes it happen you make it count!





A Communication Key