
A blindfolded manequin

And some of the Pharisees said to them, “Why are you doing what is not lawful on the Sabbath?” 

– Luke 6:2

One thing you can be sure of is you will have critics confront you most times when you do what you do. It is so much easier to criticize a person for what they do or say then it is to accept criticism for what you do or say. In any case people will criticize for one of two reasons: one, because they feel they know better than you, and second, because they really have no understanding, nor do they want to understand because they are bitter or have a hardness of heart. We can become so blind to the truth because we have allowed ourselves to buy into the idea that others are wrong in their view of things. There is someone who knows what you and I are doing, even when no one is there to see it. There are also times when we see what others are doing that are wrong and we just don’t want to be bothered and we say it is his or her problem not mine. Truth comes from what is right and just. The measuring stick is still the law. Jesus came to fulfill the law not to abolish it. We can often get so caught up in us having to be right and for others to see and do what we do, and with that we become blind to the truth as the Pharisees did . When they continually questioned Jesus. Their questioning came from a hard and prideful heart. They weren’t really asking questions as much as they were trying to make Jesus guilty of doing wrong. It wasn’t to learn from the measuring stick. Jesus was the word of God. It is easier to criticize Jesus than to learn from Him and to do the right thing. It was their ignorance and their ignorance caused them to become blind to the truth. Like Satan who counterfeits the truth, so were the Pharisees who bought in to the lie and not the truth. They wanted to counterfeit of the truth.

How can we see the clear truth and not be blinded?

  1. Be Prayerful: Take everything before God in prayer and heed what the Lord reveals to you.  Everything in Prayer and supplication and let your thoughts be known to God and the God of understanding will reveal the truth to you.

  2. Be sure to measure everything up to what God’s word says. His Word is truth because He is truth. There is nothing in Him that is counterfeit.

  3. Be sober: Make sure when you don’t know or have an answer. Don’t just talk for the sake of talking but see that you seek to understand before seeking to be understood. We need to understand what the issues or problem are before we can give good counsel. People who struggle and come to us or look to us for answers so that they can be freed up from what has entrapped them.

Questions to ponder

  1. Have you ever become blind to something and were unwilling to stop and seek God for His wisdom? Instead, we just spoke a word that had no basis or merit, and the results were not good? Especially for the person who came to you seeking some good sound advice or answers.

  1. Have you sought truth from those who weren’t walking with God, what were the results? Short term it may have helped temporarily, but in the long-term it did more harm than good. (Remember the right things are not always easy to attain. We must be determined to press on)

  1. Are you a model of consistency pattering yourself to seek after the truth at all costs?

Thoughts for the day!

For you to see clearly, seek to understand the truth from the one who is the Truth, the Way, and the Life. Never lose sight of what is right and just. For just like a person who closes their eyes amid a storm they will become blind and stumble. Be sober, be clear and be vigilant to stay on the path of truth.

Always remember, He makes it happen, you make it count!



Dressed and Ready to Go


A Fitting Word