A Garden

Someone tending to soil in a garden with their hands

Where there is no gardener, there is no garden

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could take our life and put it on auto pilot? Let me give you an illustration. A man and his wife were living a nice life. The man took a new position that paid significantly more, and it would require him to travel more. Each of them knew their roles when it came to chores around the home. The husband was the one who tended to the gardening. Because he was to travel much more, he needed to have the landscaper assist him in designing a garden that was low maintenance. One that had automatic sprinklers, etc. After explaining his desire for the garden, the landscaper said to the man, "Sir, you want me to design and build a garden for you and your wife that is low maintenance so that you can take care of it?" The man replied, "Yes. I don’t have time and I really don’t want any other person to take care of it. Sure, I could pay someone, but then it wouldn’t really be my garden." The landscaper replied, "Sir it won’t be a garden without a gardener!"

Many view their lives this way. We think we can toss out a few seeds, and poof there is a beautiful garden. It doesn’t work that way.

How do we get the quality-of-life results that really matter and leave a legacy for others to follow? Simple, if you have the desire to organize your life. A desire to put things in the proper order. You need a blueprint, so to speak. The first thing you need is a person who can show you. The bible says, the step of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord, how can a man know his own way. Let’s stop there because there is a ton of meat in that scripture alone.


  1. What grows in your life garden?

  2. Do others tend to the needs of your garden or do you?

  3. Your children are taught at school, but are you teaching your children at home?

  4. If you oversee a few or many people, do you rely on others to teach your underlings the things you need to teach?

  5. Do you look for the cheaper, and easier way to get by in life?

Thoughts for the day!

Whatever plan you choose to build your life, consistent nurturing of the garden of your life is a must and that means it is necessary for growth. What does your garden look like? What do others see when they look at your garden? God only knows, hey here’s a place to start…start with the Lord.

Remember He makes it happen, you make it count!



A Matter of Principle


A Full Plate