You Play Goaltender

A soccer field showing several goalposts

In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites had come out of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, the second month, he began to build the temple of the Lord. The temple that King Solomon built for the Lord was sixty cubits long, twenty wide and thirty high.

1 Kings 6:1-2

Solomon had a goal, to build the temple of the Lord. Solomon didn’t allow the goals he set to disappear. Solomon’s goal was very different than the goal others had of what and how the temple should be built. Solomon chose the narrow path. It ran in a different direction than the prevailing winds blew. Different than public opinion. To a degree this is how people become successful in life. Everyone who has been successful has had to choose a path that no one may have chosen, one that despite popular opinion wasn’t the one that was paved with easiness. The narrow way should always be our goal.

Questions to ponder

  1. Do you set goals?

  2. Do you set actions step to achieve to your goals?

  3. Do you try to do all the work yourself?

  4. Do you share the dream with others?

  5. Do you take the path of others, the one of least resistance or do you chart your own course?

Thoughts for the day!

We seem to measure our lives in years, where God measures them in days, minutes, moments. We need others to achieve our goals, however we don’t need others to talk us out of the goals the Lord has given us. We must make sure that we set up an action plan and we must be very careful not to get stuck in the planning stage forever. We must keep the goal in sight so that when we arrive at our destination, we know we are there.

Setting goals and actions can cut into our time, but if we attempt to work without goals and an action plan, we will not be effective. You cannot build a house without a set of blueprints. If you don’t tend to your goal, who will?

Always remember, He makes it happen, you make it count!



Accepting the Times


The Pattern